Working Together…


How we work

A Non-Profit

We are a non-profit 501 c(3) that is the bridge between economic development, community involvement, and historical preservation. Within the last year, we have had a 76% increase in partners and a significant increase in filled retail space downtown. Pryor Main Street averages an impact of more than $17,000 per year in volunteer hours alone and each year that number grows. Pryor's downtown has tracked a reinvestment of almost $3 million since becoming an organization.



“A small business is an amazing way to serve and leave an impact on the world you live in.”



Our Impact on Businesses


Interview with a Local Business

Samantha Williams with “Game On”

How has becoming a Main Street Partner impacted your business?
Since joining Pryor Main Street, we feel more connected. We have invaluable friendships and partnerships that have helped us grow in multiple areas.

What is your favorite part about the partnership with Pryor Main Street?
Feeling like we matter is the best part. We aren’t just a lone business, we are part of a family of businesses.

What hopes do you have for downtown Pryor and do you think we are headed in that direction?
Our hope is that downtown Pryor becomes a destination. We want people to feel the old nostalgia of Pryor’s past while pulling the best of the present and the future! We have definitely headed in that direction, we have a group of people passionate about making that happen.

Where do you see your business going from here?
We hope our business continues to thrive. We aren’t in this for any reason other than to serve the people, particularly the youth of Pryor. Having a fun safe place to go will continue to be our goal and calling.

Why did you become a partner?
We became a partner because it seemed like everyone was doing it. We didn’t know what to expect, but we are so happy to be a part of it all.


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